We try to keep our online catalogue up to date. Either to inquire about or to purchase an item, please contact us first via our contact info below, or by simply clicking the button 'inquire' or 'purchase' on the page of the item that has your interest. In case you decide to purchase, please directly provide us with your invoice details (name, address, telephone number and e-mail) and whether you choose to pick up the item in store or want to have it shipped.
All prices are fixed an excluded of shipping costs. We do not reserve items. Sales are only final upon full payment of the invoice in Euros. Studio Ceres does not take responsibility for import duties, taxes, exchange rate differences or any other bank fees.
shipping and packaging
Upon request Studio Ceres can arrange (inter)national shipping. We are usually able to provide you with a shipping quote within up to two working days, depending on the destination and the measurements of the parcel.
Items will always be insured with shipping carriers. We always pack your items with care to assure safe transportation. Should an item go missing or become damaged during shipment, the buyer is responsible for filing a claim.
Items can be picked up by appointment in store within 10 days. Please bring wrapping material as we do not provide packaging with pick-ups.
return policy
All sales are final, and we do not offer returns. If possible we always encourage you to pass by our store and see and experience the item in real life. If this is no possibility, please do not hesitate to ask us any questions regarding size and condition, or additional photos.
prop rental
Many of our items can be rented for photo or video shoots. Rental fees depend on purpose of use being editorial or commercial. Fees vary between 10% and 20% of the purchase price for 3 days. We charge the full purchase price and will refund you with 80-90% upon return in the same condition. Renters are responsible for providing transport and safe packaging. Renters are responsible for any damage or loss to the items from the moment the item leaves our store until return. For further terms and conditions concerning rental please inquire via email.
studio rental
Studio/31, home to our collection, can also be rented for photo or video shoots. For more detailed terms and conditions please contact us via email.
Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email, phone, or instagram.